Far More

Academia de inglés en León para adultos

Far More
A partir del 8 de abril comienza el plazo de pre-matrícula del próximo..
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Improve your elevator speech! 

Course on Saturday morning, when one can step aside one's heavy workload. After passing First Certificate by Cambridge and later level C1 or Advanced, one is able to accomplish complex social communication which implies a high level of linguistic ability. 

 The course focuses on:

  • Use of English in specific contexts by reading articles from the business press, listening to business speeches and doing business meeting roleplays
  • particular skills common to most business contexts, including writing different types of documents, making business presentations, dealing with dissatisfied clients, speaking on the phone and negotiating - formulaic uses of language.

The lecturer, a bilingual teacher, with experience preparing lecturers and professors of the University of León, CEOs of national companies and airport staff for the British Chamber of Commerce, gives the confidence to implement English in working trips around the world.

Cursos disponibles
FIRST CAMBRIDGE - over 20 year-expertise in First tests with proven results in Aerospace, Computing, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, as well as Economics. Only 5 students per group. Lessons on : Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 to 9pm Up-to-date information regarding the computer-based.....
ADVANCED CAMBRIDGE - over 20 year-expertise with proven results in Aerospace, Computing, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, as well as Economics. Lessons on : Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 9pm. Only five students per group. Up-to-date information regarding.....
To pass a test and prove her level of English receiving all the up-to-date information of the test regarding the computer-based test dates and deadlines at this Cambridge Preparation Centre. These morning lessons, two hours a week, from Monday to Thursday, allow her to: do.....
Improve your elevator speech!  Course on Saturday morning, when one can step aside one's heavy workload. After passing First Certificate by Cambridge and later level C1 or Advanced, one is able to accomplish complex social communication which implies a high level of linguistic.....
Empieza secundaria y las clases son dos horas a la semana. Los estudiantes están cómodos en este idioma y han elgido la opción bilingüe. La clase, de principio a fin en inglés con acento británico, está enfocada a practicar el aspecto oral antes de.....
La preparación del test de P.E.T for Schools de Cambridge es en un grupo con cinco compañeros, una hora y media a la semana en horario de tarde, de principio a fin en inglés con acento británico. Los dos cursos anteriores se ha asistido a clase practicando readings,.....
Estos grupos de Primaria, de solo cinco estudiantes, tiene clase dos horas a la semana. El aula es espaciosa y luminosa, aunque está repleta de juegos y material. Utilizan los libros que empezaron el curso pasado porque están diseñados para dos cursos académicos,.....
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Tfno 620 75 70 55 

Calle Marqués de Monte Virgen, 1 bajo León (calle lateral de Avenida de Nocedo, al lado de Unicaja). 

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