Far More

Academia de inglés en León para adultos -

Far More
Ha comenzado el curso académico 2024-2025. La matrícula deberá..
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  • Yolanda has the ability of teaching classes in a funny and amusing way in which you can't think in other thing except in English. - A.M.C  (P.E.T Certificate in June 2016)


  • 'Thank you Yolanda for the homework.I found very interesting the link that you sent us last month, where we could see English teachers explaining  how to pronounce as a native, how to order in a restaurant, vocabulary, common Spanish mistakes,etc. It was easy to follow and understand.If you know more links about this, please, send us!.Thanks you again!' - I.G del C. nivel First (FCE Certificate in Dec 2015, later level C1 Official Language School Avilés)


  • 'Thanks for this link. I think it will be very useful for working “listening”. I also want to thank you for sending us homework via e-mail. I take this opportunity to congratulate you on the choice of the new book. So far, I'm enjoying this book a lot.' - C.T del P. nivel C1


  • I'm taking the course in Far More because I want to face the challenge of achieving the CAE certificate. It's not only because it will help me to tackle different tasks in my job, but also and foremost for personal fulfilment.From my point of view, the main set back in this level is how to cope with such amount of collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs... It's imposible to translate them so you have to know the accurate expression. As there are no boundaries in a language, there's no way to learn everything by heart, so I have decided to read and listen as much as possible. There's some research that point out that you have to see a word at least six times in order to learn it and start to use it as part of your natural speech. That's why I find really useful all kind of extra material that my teacher Yolanda provides me: magazines, films, videos...Personally, the kind of exercise I found more difficult is the one with multiple choices. In most cases, all the choices are synonyms so if you don't know the accurate one it's highly probable that you end up choosing at random. The slightly difference in the meaning of some words is relevant at this level. -  P.F.L - nivel C1 Escuela Oficial de Idiomas por libre, CAE Certificate in Dec 2015 - calificación B)

CURSOS FIRST CAMBRIDGE > FIRST CAMBRIDGE - over 20 year-expertise in First tests with proven results (students and professors in Aerospace, Computing, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, as well as Economics). Only..
CURSO ADVANCED CAMBRIDGE > ADVANCED CAMBRIDGE - over 20 year-expertise with proven results (students and lecturers/professors in Aerospace, Computing, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, as well as Economics). ..
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Calle Marqués de Monte Virgen, 1 bajo León (calle lateral de Avenida de Nocedo, al lado de Unicaja). 

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